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Merry CHRISTmas from Guatemala!

CHRISTmas Day is almost here and these last days may be intense but we pray your last minute shopping may be fruitful, your family get togethers may be meaningful, miraculously without friction or conflict AND may we all take a deep breath and truly thank God for the most incredible gift that was given, JESUS, God with us,born of a virgin, God made man to "bring (us) good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord." (Luke 2:10-11)

From all of us in the Jeremiah Project Family, we wish you a very Merry CHRISTmas!

Check out how we celebrated CHRISTmas at the Jeremiah Project below. Thank you for your prayers and support!

What is the traditional Christmas meal in Guatemala? TAMALES of course!

What Christmas drink is served in Guatemala? PONCHE (hot fruit punch with chunks of fruit in it).

The telling of the Christmas story, or this year, the acting out of the Christmas story, is the most important part of our Christmas celebration!

(Did you notice the crowns on some of the kids heads? Those are the wise men who traveled to see the new born king and present gifts.)

Then, we celebrated birthdays!!! For some of our JP kiddos this is their only celebration for their birthdays.

While we enjoy eating birthday cake, we watch a presentation with photos taken throughout the year!

What kind of games do we play around Christmas? Well, this year had a huge five team Photo Scavenger Hunt!

In the middle is my group with the puzzle they completed together.

A local vender let us borrow their hats for the photo on the left!

There were 40 different things to choose from, including giving a stranger a "high five", having three kids stand on a stump and getting a photo in the back of a police pick-up (see photo on the right).

Then we gathered the kids up, formed a giant line and gave our last goodbyes for the year with a hug and CHRISTmas gift! I love these kids!

Thank you for reading along as I shared a little bit of what its like at our Christmas party! We love these kids and pray for them, knowing that God shared the miracle of HIS Son with the world so that each and every one of these precious kids could come to know HIM! Isn't that AMAZING! He also wants you to know that He loves you and sent His Son for you, too! Praise God for His CHRISTmas miracle! Happy Birthday, Jesus!


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Guatemalan Address:

Guardiania El Hato Casa #5, La Antigua


US Mailing Address: 

5105 S State Hwy 125, Rogersville, MO 65742

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