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Happy 10th Anniversary to Us!!!

This past Saturday, May 5th, The Jeremiah Project had its 10 year anniversary! We celebrated with the JP kids on Friday and it was a blast! Just for reference, the pictures above show a group picture of our kids in 2008 (L) and the group photo we just took Friday (R). What a difference 10 years makes! Continue reading to learn more about how God has been using the Jeremiah Project these 10 years to sow hope and reap life in Guatemala. Thank you for your prayers and support!

Danilo is one of the first 8 kids at the JP. He came as an 8 year old. He’s now 18. He along with 3 others have a special contract with Josue. They are of age and instead of just having to study, they have to work AND save money each time they come to the JP. The amount is different for each one and decided between them and Josue. Each day they deposit their savings into the “Bank of Josue” until there is an important need to make a withdrawal. Danilo recently withdrew 1600Q to pay for rehabilitation. He is out and hopes to never return. Pray Danilo will stay clean and not fall back into this harmful addiction.

Francisca (lovingly referred to as Chica by all of us in The JP) joined the JP in 2010 at the age of 9 with 4 of her siblings (Felipe, Diego, Petrona and Antonio). She is the second on the right in the above picture in a beautiful Mayan blouse. She has chosen international cooking as her career choice in junior high school. Josue was the only parent representative to go to this school event last year to support Francisca and to try her wonderful food.

Wendy started the JP in 2009 at 7 years old. She is now 16 years old, and has grown into a beautiful, caring, and intelligent young lady! She just started Fashion Design School (as a high school career) and is seen above with one of her very own designs!

Walter is Wendy’s sister. He joined the JP in 2009 with his sister. He was 5 years old and wanted to be a thief when he grew up to have cool stuff like some of his relatives. (Wendy wanted to be a policeman to put Walter away!) Now Walter is 14 and is one of the most caring responsible young men I know. He started Jr High this year!

These are only a handful of the JP kids we have the privilege to work with. They are our ministry. They are family. They love us, and we love them. God has called us to walk this road together. So together we walk, we eat, we work, we play and we share God’s hope and love. If you’d like to support us and The Jeremiah Project with a one time or monthly donation please follow the link below or click "Donate" on the site menu!

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Guatemalan Address:

Guardiania El Hato Casa #5, La Antigua

US Mailing Address: 

5105 S State Hwy 125, Rogersville, MO 65742

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