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Happy Independence Day, Guatemala!

Guatemala celebrated it's Independence Day on September 15th! At the JP we debated whether Guatemala was really independent or not. Some merely said we weren't at war anymore, while others said the country was dependent on other countries economically. I mentioned that Guatemala declared it's independence from Spain in 1821 so it was about time for Guatemala to start acting like a free country! But that in my opinion, that wouldn't start until Guatemalans had the confidence to believe in themselves and to act on what they believe is right. To give a voice to their desires and dreams, not hiding behind past injustices or mistakes but pushing forward making Guatemala all it can be.

Thank you for supporting the Jeremiah Project, where the JP kiddos have a voice and we want to hear them! Continue reading to find out more about our Independence day celebrations.

Independence Day means parades with marching bands! We had two girls in their school band this year: Flor and Petrona. Flor learned to play the xylophone and Petrona the scraper cylindrical percussion thingy.

Petrona called Josué early the day of the independence parade to say that Lesly didn’t bring the shirt Nidia was going to lend her for the school uniform because Petrona normally wears her typical clothing. Anyway, she called to have Josué go to Nidia’s house to get the shirt and take it to her. So we did! When we got to the school, the band had left and Petrona said she told her friends she had to wait for her dad. It was super sweet. We then went chasing the parade to catch up with her school! It was great.

Independence Day also means Beauty Pagents and Allison won her school's patent and got to be in the parade as the Independence Girl! See her pic above at the parade. She's only 11.

Here I am (right) showing my Guatemalan spirit sporting one of my Mayan blouses in the Central Park.

Apart from the two band members, we had a girl participate as a Mayan princess, a baton twirler, and 5 girls carrying signs or Guatemalan products!

Thank you again for your support of the JP kids as they grow into educated, responsible, community-minded Guatemalan men and women who love and serve the Lord

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